Funny-Ass Football Association
Cup 2012 Sept '11 - Dec '11 Points: 20-15-10-5 Entry Fee: $30 |
Total: $720 1st: $400 2nd: $110 DivWin: $80 DivWin: $80 Cup: $50 |
The Funny-Ass Football
Association, also known as the FAFA, is a fantasy football league
involving 24 giant masters from around the country. If Buster Rhymes
wasn't a kick returner for the Vikings in the 80s, then my name isn't
Garo Yepremian.
2011 FAFA BOWL XII Champion POUNDERS Championships
Division Crowns
The Skinny The Draft takes place prior to the start of the NFL season. The regular season consists of head-to-head competition followed by a playoff between the top teams for the FAFA Bowl Championship. |
FAFA BOWL XII PCHS-Pigskin Squad Bravo Playoffs Standings Final Rosters Draft - By Team Draft - By Pick Draft Order Keepers Settings Prizes |
FAFA BOWL XI Slam Pounders Slam Playoffs Standings Final Rosters Draft - By Team Draft - By Pick Draft Order Keepers Settings Prizes |
FAFA BOWL X Slam Pounders Slam Playoffs Standings Final Rosters Draft - By Team Draft - By Pick Draft Order Draft - Expansion Keepers Settings Prizes |
FAFA BOWL IX Crotch Jones AK Playoffs Standings Final Rosters Draft - By Team Draft - By Pick Draft Order Keepers Settings Prizes |
FAFA BOWL VIII 19-Cent Team Faygo Playoffs Standings Final Rosters Draft - Salaries Draft - By Team Draft - By Pick Draft Order Draft - Expansion Keepers Settings Prizes |
FAFA BOWL VII Dante's Inferno Poochie Playoffs Standings Final Rosters Draft - By Team Draft - By Player Draft - By Pick Draft Transcript - Long Division Draft Transcript - Short Division Draft Order Draft - Expansion Keepers Settings Prizes |
FAFA BOWL VI Slippery Petes Whammer Playoffs Standings Final Rosters Draft - By Team Draft - By Player Draft - By Pick Draft Transcript - Long Division Draft Transcript - Short Division Draft Order Keepers Settings Prizes |
FAFA BOWL V Slippery Petes Whammer Playoffs Standings Final Rosters Draft - By Team Draft - By Player Draft - By Pick Draft Transcript - Long Division Draft Transcript - Short Division Settings Prizes |
FAFA BOWL III Slam Pounders Slam Playoffs Standings Final Rosters Draft Rosters Settings Message Board Prizes |
FAFA BOWL II Pickled Milkmen Dodee Playoffs Standings Final Rosters Draft Rosters Settings Message Board Prizes |
FAFA BOWL I Right Balls Murray Playoffs Standings Final Rosters Draft Rosters Settings Message Board |
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