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Period 1: 4/3/05 - 4/10/05
Project Balboni 413.5000 at Powdered Toast Men 377
Flying Yachtsmen 243 at Stink Beatles 363.5000
Runnin' Mouths 267.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 278.5000
BG Bashers 244.5000 at Jobus 250
Fun Boys 283.5000 at Mighty Bustards 373
Tom Green's Left Nut 222 at FUs 214.5000
Lanseer's All-Stars 284 at Turbo Dogs 247
Bo-Sox Pounders 383 at Spase People 391.5000
Watters' H-Cards 348.5000 at Rocky Dennis Express 373
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 333 at Chubs 441.5000
Period 2: 4/11/05 - 4/17/05
BG Bashers 322.5000 at Powdered Toast Men 230
Runnin' Mouths 254 at Stink Beatles 342
Flying Yachtsmen 313.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 359.5000
Project Balboni 346.5000 at Jobus 201.5000
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 311 at Mighty Bustards 283
Watters' H-Cards 305.5000 at FUs 341.5000
Bo-Sox Pounders 295 at Turbo Dogs 266.5000
Lanseer's All-Stars 327 at Spase People 309.5000
Tom Green's Left Nut 368.5000 at Rocky Dennis Express 328
Fun Boys 171.5000 at Chubs 350
Period 3: 4/18/05 - 4/24/05
Fun Boys 341.5000 at Powdered Toast Men 294.5000
Tom Green's Left Nut 205 at Stink Beatles 371
Lanseer's All-Stars 429 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 247.5000
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 331.5000 at Jobus 300.5000
Project Balboni 394 at Mighty Bustards 410.5000
Flying Yachtsmen 424.5000 at FUs 392
Runnin' Mouths 418.5000 at Turbo Dogs 330
Watters' H-Cards 460.5000 at Spase People 432
Bo-Sox Pounders 420 at Rocky Dennis Express 380
BG Bashers 279.5000 at Chubs 267
Period 4: 4/25/05 - 5/1/05
Tom Green's Left Nut 400.5000 at Powdered Toast Men 379.5000
Fun Boys 289 at Stink Beatles 226
Watters' H-Cards 291.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 375
Bo-Sox Pounders 268 at Jobus 243.5000
Flying Yachtsmen 318 at Mighty Bustards 272
Project Balboni 377 at FUs 249.5000
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 289 at Turbo Dogs 236
BG Bashers 311.5000 at Spase People 247
Runnin' Mouths 316 at Rocky Dennis Express 228
Lanseer's All-Stars 280 at Chubs 331.5000
Period 5: 5/2/05 - 5/8/05
Lanseer's All-Stars 329 at Powdered Toast Men 371
Bo-Sox Pounders 376.5000 at Stink Beatles 277
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 256.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 315.5000
Tom Green's Left Nut 334 at Jobus 328.5000
Watters' H-Cards 268.5000 at Mighty Bustards 337.5000
BG Bashers 290.5000 at FUs 405.5000
Project Balboni 302 at Turbo Dogs 368.5000
Flying Yachtsmen 419 at Spase People 473.5000
Fun Boys 258.5000 at Rocky Dennis Express 318.5000
Runnin' Mouths 438 at Chubs 381.5000
Period 6: 5/9/05 - 5/15/05
Bo-Sox Pounders 279.5000 at Powdered Toast Men 381
Watters' H-Cards 221.5000 at Stink Beatles 304.5000
Fun Boys 312 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 377
Lanseer's All-Stars 418.5000 at Jobus 276
Runnin' Mouths 365.5000 at Mighty Bustards 324.5000
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 370 at FUs 376
BG Bashers 383 at Turbo Dogs 236.5000
Project Balboni 282 at Spase People 344.5000
Flying Yachtsmen 443 at Rocky Dennis Express 330
Tom Green's Left Nut 353 at Chubs 340
Period 7: 5/16/05 - 5/22/05
Watters' H-Cards 248 at Powdered Toast Men 361
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 270.5000 at Stink Beatles 322.5000
Bo-Sox Pounders 236.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 312
Fun Boys 353.5000 at Jobus 353.5000
BG Bashers 320 at Mighty Bustards 328.5000
Lanseer's All-Stars 326 at FUs 323
Tom Green's Left Nut 338.5000 at Turbo Dogs 207.5000
Runnin' Mouths 308 at Spase People 313
Project Balboni 330.5000 at Rocky Dennis Express 253
Flying Yachtsmen 235.5000 at Chubs 265
Period 8: 5/23/05 - 5/29/05
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 374 at Powdered Toast Men 327
Lanseer's All-Stars 330.5000 at Stink Beatles 280
Tom Green's Left Nut 307.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 336.5000
Watters' H-Cards 334.5000 at Jobus 340.5000
Bo-Sox Pounders 297 at Mighty Bustards 246
Runnin' Mouths 364.5000 at FUs 395.5000
Flying Yachtsmen 362.5000 at Turbo Dogs 288
Fun Boys 241 at Spase People 326
BG Bashers 215.5000 at Rocky Dennis Express 379.5000
Project Balboni 246.5000 at Chubs 286.5000
Period 9: 5/30/05 - 6/5/05
Turbo Dogs 237 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 469
Jobus 336 at Spase People 333
Rocky Dennis Express 255 at Chubs 312.5000
Powdered Toast Men 432 at Stink Beatles 375.5000
Mighty Bustards 346.5000 at FUs 428.5000
Watters' H-Cards 452 at Lanseer's All-Stars 299.5000
Fun Boys 313 at Tom Green's Left Nut 345
BG Bashers 193.5000 at Bo-Sox Pounders 335.5000
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 304.5000 at Flying Yachtsmen 289.5000
Project Balboni 308.5000 at Runnin' Mouths 270.5000
Period 10: 6/6/05 - 6/12/05
Jobus 347.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 325.5000
Turbo Dogs 372.5000 at Spase People 397
FUs 357 at Chubs 410.5000
Mighty Bustards 347 at Stink Beatles 287
Rocky Dennis Express 312 at Powdered Toast Men 242
Fun Boys 334.5000 at Lanseer's All-Stars 368
Watters' H-Cards 246.5000 at Tom Green's Left Nut 363
Runnin' Mouths 268 at Bo-Sox Pounders 195
Project Balboni 348 at Flying Yachtsmen 287
BG Bashers 305 at Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 237
Period 11: 6/13/05 - 6/19/05
Rocky Dennis Express 261.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 301.5000
Powdered Toast Men 359.5000 at Spase People 336.5000
Mighty Bustards 264 at Chubs 397.5000
Jobus 247.5000 at Stink Beatles 270
Turbo Dogs 195.5000 at FUs 329
BG Bashers 358.5000 at Lanseer's All-Stars 266
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 334.5000 at Tom Green's Left Nut 339
Project Balboni 347.5000 at Bo-Sox Pounders 227.5000
Fun Boys 264.5000 at Flying Yachtsmen 424
Watters' H-Cards 261.5000 at Runnin' Mouths 275.5000
Period 12: 6/20/05 - 6/26/05
Powdered Toast Men 617 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 234
Rocky Dennis Express 312 at Spase People 403
Turbo Dogs 393.5000 at Chubs 262
FUs 261 at Stink Beatles 344.5000
Jobus 387 at Mighty Bustards 296.5000
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 303.5000 at Lanseer's All-Stars 375
BG Bashers 367 at Tom Green's Left Nut 326
Watters' H-Cards 272.5000 at Bo-Sox Pounders 246.5000
Runnin' Mouths 427 at Flying Yachtsmen 222
Fun Boys 197.5000 at Project Balboni 374.5000
Period 13: 6/27/05 - 7/3/05
Mighty Bustards 297 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 256
FUs 322.5000 at Spase People 326
Jobus 297.5000 at Chubs 421.5000
Rocky Dennis Express 233.5000 at Stink Beatles 390.5000
Turbo Dogs 368.5000 at Powdered Toast Men 416.5000
Project Balboni 287 at Lanseer's All-Stars 343
Runnin' Mouths 346 at Tom Green's Left Nut 453
Fun Boys 226.5000 at Bo-Sox Pounders 332.5000
BG Bashers 265.5000 at Flying Yachtsmen 179.5000
Watters' H-Cards 286 at Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 352.5000
Period 14: 7/4/05 - 7/10/05
FUs 332.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 372
Mighty Bustards 338.5000 at Spase People 461
Powdered Toast Men 310 at Chubs 399.5000
Turbo Dogs 400.5000 at Stink Beatles 291.5000
Jobus 278 at Rocky Dennis Express 333.5000
Runnin' Mouths 427.5000 at Lanseer's All-Stars 373
Project Balboni 367.5000 at Tom Green's Left Nut 382
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 267 at Bo-Sox Pounders 289.5000
Watters' H-Cards 310 at Flying Yachtsmen 500
Fun Boys 334.5000 at BG Bashers 328.5000
Period 15: 7/11/05 - 7/17/05
Chubs 291.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 133.5000
Stink Beatles 196.5000 at Spase People 233.5000
Jobus 213.5000 at FUs 209
Powdered Toast Men 279.5000 at Mighty Bustards 199
Turbo Dogs 175 at Rocky Dennis Express 127
Bo-Sox Pounders 179.5000 at Lanseer's All-Stars 256
Flying Yachtsmen 284 at Tom Green's Left Nut 176.5000
Fun Boys 141.5000 at Runnin' Mouths 259
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 222 at Project Balboni 194
Watters' H-Cards 241 at BG Bashers 162
Period 16: 7/18/05 - 7/24/05
Stink Beatles 340.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 342.5000
Chubs 454 at Spase People 450.5000
Rocky Dennis Express 240 at FUs 388
Turbo Dogs 272 at Mighty Bustards 205.5000
Jobus 269 at Powdered Toast Men 412
Flying Yachtsmen 267.5000 at Lanseer's All-Stars 397.5000
Bo-Sox Pounders 437 at Tom Green's Left Nut 436.5000
BG Bashers 341.5000 at Runnin' Mouths 376.5000
Watters' H-Cards 372 at Project Balboni 390
Fun Boys 415.5000 at Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 301.5000
Period 17: 7/25/05 - 7/31/05
Spase People 363.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 319
Stink Beatles 317 at Chubs 308
Powdered Toast Men 452 at FUs 369.5000
Rocky Dennis Express 334 at Mighty Bustards 294.5000
Turbo Dogs 271.5000 at Jobus 260.5000
Tom Green's Left Nut 356 at Lanseer's All-Stars 326.5000
Flying Yachtsmen 309.5000 at Bo-Sox Pounders 394.5000
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 252.5000 at Runnin' Mouths 393
BG Bashers 293.5000 at Project Balboni 308
Watters' H-Cards 274.5000 at Fun Boys 208.5000
Period 18: 8/1/05 - 8/7/05
Mighty Bustards 272.5000 at Chubs 332.5000
Jobus 332.5000 at Tom Green's Left Nut 308.5000
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 321.5000 at Spase People 468
Flying Yachtsmen 294.5000 at Runnin' Mouths 328
FUs 342 at Lanseer's All-Stars 203.5000
BG Bashers 282.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 398.5000
Stink Beatles 417 at Powdered Toast Men 465.5000
Bo-Sox Pounders 339.5000 at Project Balboni 410.5000
Fun Boys 321.5000 at Rocky Dennis Express 305
Watters' H-Cards 402 at Turbo Dogs 379
Period 19: 8/8/05 - 8/14/05
Mighty Bustards 314.5000 at Chubs 335.5000
Jobus 152 at Tom Green's Left Nut 276
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 250 at Spase People 450
Flying Yachtsmen 305 at Runnin' Mouths 353.5000
FUs 314 at Lanseer's All-Stars 284
BG Bashers 303.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 280.5000
Stink Beatles 263.5000 at Powdered Toast Men 290
Bo-Sox Pounders 481 at Project Balboni 404.5000
Fun Boys 310.5000 at Rocky Dennis Express 339.5000
Watters' H-Cards 284.5000 at Turbo Dogs 376
Period 20: 8/15/05 - 8/21/05
Bo-Sox Pounders 349.5000 at Chubs 396
FUs 341.5000 at Runnin' Mouths 339
PCHS-Diamond Bunch 266 at Spase People 370.5000
Powdered Toast Men 291 at Tom Green's Left Nut 287.5000
Mighty Bustards 291.5000 at Project Balboni 351
Flying Yachtsmen 353.5000 at Lanseer's All-Stars 276
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 356.5000 at BG Bashers 339
Jobus 319 at Stink Beatles 189
Watters' H-Cards 303 at Rocky Dennis Express 474
Fun Boys 225.5000 at Turbo Dogs 267.5000
Period 21: 8/22/05 - 8/28/05
Bo-Sox Pounders 393 at Chubs 342.5000
FUs 448 at Runnin' Mouths 351.5000
PCHS-Diamond Bunch 314.5000 at Spase People 390
Powdered Toast Men 347.5000 at Tom Green's Left Nut 345.5000
Mighty Bustards 255.5000 at Project Balboni 257
Flying Yachtsmen 427.5000 at Lanseer's All-Stars 293.5000
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 336 at BG Bashers 352.5000
Jobus 276 at Stink Beatles 356
Watters' H-Cards 303 at Rocky Dennis Express 159
Fun Boys 164.5000 at Turbo Dogs 232.5000
Period 22: 8/29/05 - 9/4/05
Powdered Toast Men 433 at Spase People 496
FUs 266 at Bo-Sox Pounders 376
Project Balboni 346.5000 at Tom Green's Left Nut 286
PCHS-Diamond Bunch 357 at Flying Yachtsmen 348
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 168 at Runnin' Mouths 344
Jobus 332.5000 at Chubs 288.5000
Mighty Bustards 189.5000 at Lanseer's All-Stars 249.5000
BG Bashers 293 at Stink Beatles 329
Rocky Dennis Express 260.5000 at Turbo Dogs 384
Watters' H-Cards 310.5000 at Fun Boys 353
Period 23: 9/5/05 - 9/11/05
Powdered Toast Men 362 at Spase People 407.5000
FUs 317 at Bo-Sox Pounders 377
Project Balboni 394 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 317
Runnin' Mouths 321.5000 at Jobus 183.5000
Flying Yachtsmen 277.5000 at Tom Green's Left Nut 218.5000
Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 317 at Chubs 320.5000
Lanseer's All-Stars 246.5000 at Mighty Bustards 199
BG Bashers 280 at Stink Beatles 352.5000
Rocky Dennis Express 337 at Turbo Dogs 241
Watters' H-Cards 335.5000 at Fun Boys 252
Period 24: 9/12/05 - 9/18/05
Bo-Sox Pounders 332 at Spase People 368
Project Balboni 361.5000 at Powdered Toast Men 365
FUs 343 at Runnin' Mouths 382
PCHS-Diamond Bunch 319 at Jobus 272.5000
Lanseer's All-Stars 323 at Stink Beatles 329
Flying Yachtsmen 224.5000 at Chubs 237.5000
Mighty Bustards 241 at BG Bashers 195
Tom Green's Left Nut 199.5000 at Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 273.5000
Fun Boys 210.5000 at Watters' H-Cards 371
Rocky Dennis Express 257.5000 at Turbo Dogs 341
Period 25: 9/19/05 - 9/25/05
Bo-Sox Pounders 374 at Spase People 472.5000
Runnin' Mouths 348 at Powdered Toast Men 299.5000
FUs 248.5000 at Project Balboni 360
Jobus 320.5000 at PCHS-Diamond Bunch 209
Stink Beatles 334 at Chubs 340.5000
Flying Yachtsmen 340.5000 at Lanseer's All-Stars 276.5000
Mighty Bustards 262.5000 at Performance Enhanced Dwarfs 355.5000
BG Bashers 310 at Tom Green's Left Nut 354.5000
Fun Boys 299 at Watters' H-Cards 282.5000
Rocky Dennis Express 332 at Turbo Dogs 301

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