Limit |
Active Players |
16 |
Reserve Players |
5 |
Injured Players |
3 |
Total Players |
24 |
Active Catchers |
1 |
Active First Basemen |
1 |
Active Second Basemen |
1 |
Active Third Basemen |
1 |
Active Shortstops |
1 |
Active Outfielders |
3 |
Active Designated Hitters |
2 |
Active Pitchers |
6 |
Trades may be made at any time.
There is a trade deadline of 08/05/02. No trades can be made after that time.
Adds and drops are handled by a waivers process.
Players must have 20 games played last year or 10 games played this year at
a position to qualify.
Any player can be placed at the DH position regardless of games played.
The draft commences on 03/27/02 21:30 PM . There will be 18 rounds, with a limit
of 45 seconds per pick.